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StateLine Phono 2

The Stateline Phono 2 Pre-amplifier has the following features:
Discrete matched FET Input stage. Discrete single ended Mos-FET output stage. All is fully working in Class A.

RIAA equalization is done passively for high frequencies and actively for low frequencies. Both RIAA networks are completely separated from each other. External raw power supply, so that no transformers which might create the smallest hum are located in the main housing. Internally, a special discretely-built ultra low noise voltage regulator with LEDs does an excellent job.

The signal path is extremely short due to the use of a double sided PCB with SMD parts on one side and through-hole devices on the other.

No use of any ceramic capacitors in the whole circuit. The complete board including all components is lacquered with SteinMusic Maestro lacquer to optimize mechanical resonances.

MM: Input capacity switchable 0pF, 82pF, 150pF or 232 pF
MC: Input impedance switchable between 25R and 47K in 50 steps
Amplification 60dB MC, 40dB MM

Will work fine with Aventurin 6, however it suits well with every other cartridge as it is very easily universally adjustable.

Technical Data

Stainless steel housing and glass front panel, American walnut feet


5x line-in RCA, SPDIF-RCA, USB-A


Speaker out



The Stateline Phono 2 Signature

The Stateline Phono 2 Signature version is additionally equipped with a special power supply upgrade board. This board only carries the best foil capacitors, vacuum capacitors and numerous oscon capacitors in a very balanced configuration which perfectly suits the Stateline Phono 2 amplifier.

Just as the main circuit board of the Stateline Phono 2 amplifier, the complete Signature board including all components is lacquered with SteinMusic Maestro lacquer to optimize mechanical resonances.

Some SteinMusic InLine Silver is implemented into the power supply, which significantly reduces magnetic distortions.

Finally we are working with technology used in our E-Pads to get closer to perfection with the overall results.
All these features bring the potential of the Stateline Phono 2 onto a much higher level of quality.

The Stateline Phono 2 Signature Supply

The non-compromising construction of this preamp immensely profits from the Stateline Phono 2 Signature Power supply.

Dealing with extremely small audio signals generated by the cartridge, low noise is essential for rediscovering every fine detail of the record. We took extremely great care to get away from mains noise and distortions by using three transformers.

Two of them are working as isolation transformers which effectively filter noise starting at 120Hz.

The combination of the Stateline Phono 2 Signature and the Stateline Phono 2 Signature Power supply provides u with a musical experience that is state of the art for a relatively small investment.

How to use The Stateline Phono 2

If using an MC cartridge, set it to MC which is the ON position.
Then with Switch 1 – Switch 7 you may choose the impedance that fits for your cartridge.
Capacity switches should be both off for MC operation, as MC cartridges normally do not
need any capacitive loading.

If using an MM cartridge, set the middle of the block of three switches to MM, which is the off position. Then set all impedance switches to off, which results in an impedance of 47K which is perfect for MM cartridges.

MM cartridges sometimes like to be loaded with some more than the cable capacity of the turntable interconnect, so we have added two switches:
S 8 and the upper one of the block of three switches.
S8 in the “off” position and the upper one of the block of three switches in the “off” position No additional capacity loading
S8 in the “on” position and the upper one of the block of three switches in the “off” position 82pF loading
S8 in the “off” position and the upper one of the block of three switches in the “on” position 150pF loading
S8 in the “on” position and the upper one of the block of three switches in the “on” position 232pf loading depending on the way the Earth from the grid is terminated on the other components of the audio system, it may be useful to connect the GND connector to Earth for most quiet operation.