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 the Perfect Interface π [piː]

Perfect Interface π [piː]: Natural Sound Through Precision Resonance Control

Resonance control between a vinyl disk and the platter is something essential. With it you will be able to achieve the quality of audio you ever dreamt of from your turntable. The base of the Perfect Interface is a very special paper from the tapa cloth tree. This paper is traditionally handmade in Japan, and dried on wood. We further process it at our factory in Mülheim, Germany bringing it to the right shape and properties to be the ultimate interface. One of the essential techniques here is to impregnate it with SteinMusic Maestro Lacquer. SteinMusic Maestro Lacquer is a varnish made out of the most precious natural resins in a unique composition, optimized for perfect resonance control. The idea here is not dampening, but creating an open and organic sound with accurate timing and finesse. The Perfect Interface π [piː] works perfectly with platters made out of metal, acrylic, wood, or any other material. This also includes platters made out of a combination of different materials. The Perfect Interface π [piː] is made with only one intention: To let you enjoy the music in all its beauty.

Technical Details

Length: 40 mm Thickness: 0,28 mm
Width: 20 mm Material: Handcrafted Japanese Maestro Lacquer Coated Paper
Weight: 150g Color: Black
the 3 Versions of the Perfect Interface
 Perfect Interface Basic
Perfect Interface Signature 
Perfect Interface Carbon Signature

The Perfect Interface is made of handcrafted Japanese paper, treated with SteinMusic Maestro lacquer, creating a much better resonance control than any standard felt or rubber slipmat.

The Perfect Interface π [piː] works perfectly on all turntables.

The Perfect Interface for the best price-performance ratio.

Hand-made Japanese paper, resonance-optimized with SteinMusic Maestro lacquer and additionally quantum-physically optimized.

The resonance adjustment between the record and the turntable is essential for the best performance of the phono set.

Quantum-physically and rigorously optimized carbon composite concept with SteinMusic Epads for a perfect interaction of record, system and plate. A carbon layer on the bottom side provides even more finesse than the normal version.


Editors choice award 2021

The Absolute Sound


Don’t bother with that. “The Perfect Interface” produced an increased transparency, blacker backgrounds but especially transient precision that was easy to hear don’t ask me why that should be but it was easily audible.”

Michael Fremer

Analog Planet

How a piece of varnished Japanese paper can consistently improve the sound of a vinyl record riding atop it is beyond me. All I can tell you is that it does—that the very thing that makes many LPs sound like LPs, like mosaics made of individually recorded bits and pieces, is replaced by something that makes those bits and pieces seem more like interrelated parts of a sonic whole.

Julie Mullins

The Absolute Sound

” I stood there thinking, “Huh! Really?” I had been expecting an effect that was quite subtle; instead, a certain openness and rich organic sound caught my ear. LP after LP, I was quietly pleased at the result. It didn’t seem to matter what genre of music; the Perfect Interface wrought a real step forward.”

david w. robinson

Positive Feedback


How can I visually distinguish the different versions of the Perfect Interface?
  1. The normal one does not have the “Signature” hologram.
  2. The Signature does have the “Signature” hologram.
  3. The Carbon Signature has an additional carbon coating on the back. As carbon is, this is black, not shiny but matt. You will recognize it when you have a look on the top side and compare it with the back side.
Why do you have three different versions of the Perfect Interface?

The Perfect Interface Carbon Signature sets clear standards for what you may achieve with a turntable mat. As the process of making is extremely complex handwork, it cannot be cheap.

At the Perfect Interface Signature we leave out one process which is only possible to do by real handwork, and very difficult to do right.
Its sound is not as detailed as the sound of the Carbon version, however it is also very realistic and natural with a lot of musical expression.

Even in good, but cheaper audio systems with non-expensive turntables around USD 1000 and below, the Perfect Interface Carbon Signature may improve the sound in amount more than worth its cost.

However, if someone did not yet experience it, how shall we communicate this?
So, we decided to cut some corners, but still maintain the general characteristics. As an entry for those who just started to enjoy the beauty of music.

The Perfect Interface π [piː] CD

Perfect Interface π [piː]: Natural Sound Through Precision Resonance Control

Although only digital information are read from a CD, resonance control in this domain is essential for the finesse and naturalness available in the musical information. The Perfect Interface π [piː] CD is based on the same principles as the Perfect Interface platter mat, as it turned out that when used in the digital domain exactly the same qualities became present like in the analog domain. The Perfect Interface CD is available as the Perfect Interface CD Signature and as the Perfect Interface CD Carbon Signature. The base of the Perfect Interface is a very special paper from the tapa cloth tree. This paper is traditionally handmade in Japan, and dried on wood. We further process it at our factory in Mülheim, Germany bringing it to the right shape and properties to be the ultimate interface. One of the essential techniques here is to impregnate it with SteinMusic Maestro Lacquer. SteinMusic Maestro Lacquer is a varnish made out of the most precious natural resins in a unique composition, optimized for perfect resonance control. The idea here is not dampening, but creating an open and organic sound with accurate timing and finesse. The Perfect Interface π [piː] CD is made with only one intention: To let you enjoy the music in all its beauty.

Technical Details

Material: Handcrafted Japanese Maestro Lacquer Coated Paper Color: Black

Perfect Interface CD Signature
Perfect Interface CD Carbon Signature
Quantum physically optimized Handcrafted Japanese paper treated with SteinMusic Maestro varnish for resonance control and additionally optimized with E-pads. For use in almost all top- or tray loader players.

Quantum physically optimized CD-Topmat with SteinMusic Epads for use in almost all top- or tray loading players. High-strength, resonance-optimized carbon composite concept for even greater accuracy and signal fidelity directly from the scanning point of the disk.