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Speaker Match



  • Use of highest quality components for improved sound quality compared to standard parts
  • Development of a universal approach that works perfectly in all possible constellations
  • Improved construction by molding the internal parts in a specially developed potting compound that improves the overall performance of fine details without dampening
  • Reduction of high frequency distortion and intermodulation through the use of Zobel links
  • Application of the Resonance Control System (RCS), which focuses on stabilizing the environment rather than damping resonances
  • Use of natural materials that contribute to a more natural sound.

Speaker Match is based on an old idea we tried more than 20 years ago using a Zobel at the speakers built of the best and most expensive components available. This made a big difference to standard parts normally used in commercial versions.

We spent a lot of time researching a universal approach, which is working perfectly in all kind of constellations. 10 years later we improved this very good design, by molding the internal parts into a specially designed casting compound, which was not dampening but stabilizing the total performance.
Zobels are well known as they may have a positive effect on the sound. They may reduce high frequency distortion and intermodulation created by other electrical devices used at home, like energy saving lamps, computers, refrigerators, etc.

The advantages of SteinMusic RCS (Resonance Control System) in Audio Electronics at the example of SteinMusic Speaker Match

All electronic circuit use resistors that generate heat when current is flowing.
This must not be much depending on the topology where it is used and most of the time you will not even remark it, but this is always the fact.
Heat is nothing but the movement of the atoms of a material. In audio circuits these movements are produced by the music signal. Depending on the material properties, dimensions and structure of the surface, these movements create specific material resonances. In reverse, these resonances have an impact on the current flow through the resistor which is nothing else than the musical signal that we want to keep undistorted.

The typical approach is to dampen these resonances. This is not our idea, as experience shows that dampening also draws musical energy that we want to keep, and so often makes a somewhat pleasant but dull sound, where many details and finesse get lost.
Another approach is to stabilize the environment, for example casting the parts into concrete. Here we found that the sound gets stabilized, but is also influenced by the character of the material used. Like in an instrument, you will always find the sonic signature of the material in the sound that is generated. Concrete gives a pretty hard sound, wood, depending on what kind of wood used, a more soft and sometimes pretty pleasant sound. Overall, more natural sounding materials will lead to a more natural sound in the electronics.

For the Speaker Match we use a combination of a special casting compound that is optimized regarding its sonic properties together with a cardboard housing that is soaked with a special resonance optimizing lacquer. The casting compound ensures that all surfaces of the components are completely encased; the treated cardboard provides a good outer surface. The quality of the outer surface is very important, as at this surface, like at a billiard table, all internal resonances are reflected into the material again. The character of the surface always has a big impact onto the overall resonance pattern.
This idea is also the active principle of SteinMusic Maestro lacquer, which has a very positive effect on sound used on nearly all surfaces like speaker diaphragms, tonearms, connector housings, etc. in an audio system.

We already tried Speaker Match with a wooden housing, which was a further step to improve it.
However this is a really big effort, as to work perfectly there needs to be a close contact between all parts inside, and using the special compound is not easy in combination with wood.
The positive effect that you may easily detect: Sound is much clearer, smoother and more detailed using the SteinMusic RCS.


Robert H. Levi – Positive Feedback

The cool new Stein Music Speaker Match Plus is the important accessory that will help to send your top system to the moon! Hear more music, more naturally than ever before.”

Johannes Strom – Like Hifi

“There are many tuning solutions on the market. Many promise something that then achieves only little effect in the end. The effect ratio at SteinMusic, on the other hand, is probably 100%. Rarely has an accessory upgraded a system to such an extent.”

Review – LeBeuason

“The Speakers Match Plus undeniably brings it all!
More definition, more naturalness… a better readability of rhythm and instruments, as well as their character and intrinsic timbres. Singers are embodied.
In some cases, the before-and-after gap is so large that you can immediately understand their need.

You may be surprised, perhaps even overwhelmed, by the qualities of your system that these objects eventually reveal, even if they don’t add as much each time.”

Speaker Match Signature

The perfect matching between amplifier, speaker cable and loudspeaker.

The SteinMusic Speaker Match Signature is a special matching element to bring to perfection the interplay between amplifier, speaker cable and loudspeaker.The result is a handier, more articulate sound image across all frequencies, which tends to be mellower and less strained. The Signature Version is the “cost no object” approach of Speaker Match technology, to achieve uncompromised results for those who simply want the best.

Only tightly matched custom made components including high class paper in oil capacitors are used, combined with the proprietary Resonance Control Technology and Steinmusic Quantum Technology.

The housing is made from the finest black-stained maple wood, finished with our Maestro lacquer. The tonal properties of maple wood make it a preferred choice for the backs and sides of stringed and plucked instruments, as it helps to enliven and enhance the overall sound. As the housing for the top class of our Speaker Match series, it not only reflects the inner values, but also has a positive influence on the sound. The dense material of maple enables precise control of resonances.

The final result is a very natural and “real” impression of the music.


black stained maple wood



Speaker Match Plus

The SteinMusic Speaker Match Plus has a lot of the merits of the Signature Version and uses all the techniques which are also used in the Speaker Match Signature.

Speaker Match Plus is the next step, providing a clear transition and improved noise reduction for the amplifier, speaker cable and speaker system. The result is an even clearer sound image that builds on the original design, with improved resonance control in a fine, tonally neutral cabinet made of solid walnut.

This version has the best price performance ratio, and got excellent reviews worldwide like “Best Buy” at Fidelity, the biggest magazine in France or “In my opinion, this is THE BEST high-end audiophile accessory ever, my friends. Bravo Stein Music.” At Positive Feedback by Bob Levi, president of the LA/OC Audio Society.


Finest Maple Wood

